All Saints Middle School
As we become aware of buildings changing usage, SEA has made a point of photographing the features within the property before they are lost. One of the earliest buildings to undergo this scrutiny was All Saints Voluntary Controlled Church of England Middle School. Unfortunately as photographs were taken of the building in Acton Lane it dawned on us that similar photographs had not been taken 26 years earlier when the school moved from the Mill Lane school building and Christopher Lane building, the former was demolished and the later one was transformed into a home for the elderly.
Fortunately in 1987 the art teacher at the time organised pupils to record the building using various art media. These paintings, prints, pencil drawings and paintings remain in the Sudbury Ephemera Archive. They show the interior of the gymnasium, features of the architecture and views from the playground at Mill Lane. No doubt many more pieces of art were produced and have been lost over the decades but these remaining pieces provide a remarkable image of these buildings.
After six years the Middle School collection has been catalogued and safely listed. It contains photographs from school trips and events, curriculum information, photographs of productions and much more. Perhaps in forty years time when somebody has a bright idea that the three-tier education is worthwhile, somebody will come to the archive to examine the advantages of it.
For more details of all the items we hold, see our Ephemera Catalogue.