Following the success of the Monks Eleigh event, SEA was invited to take a pitch at the Long Melford Vintage Rally held on 6th and 7th July. SEA opted to be there on the Sunday, when fortunately, the weather was much kinder. Once again it was felt that the day was very productive.
Many people remarked that they had ‘stuff’ in their attics that they felt SEA might appreciate.
One gentleman was delighted to discover that SEA had already been given some of his family’s company paperwork as dating back to 1930s.
SEA’s twice monthly open sessions in the Town Hall continue to bring in a varied selection of archive material. Anyone is welcome to pop in during these sessions, even if it is just out of curiosity to see what we get up to.
SEA is always looking for new recruits, so even if you could do only one of the sessions in a month we would be delighted to see you. We are a diverse group of people ranging from newcomers to Sudbury to those who have lived here all their lives.
Contact details:
Sue – 07846 885909
Penny -07850 302975